Cleanliness & Comfort: What You Work Towards Every Day
Image Isn’t The Only Thing You Have to Uphold
Your reputation in the eyes of the long-term care community is incredibly important. But so are things like staying compliant with new and existing regulations, and ensuring your residents aren't at risk for acquiring preventable infections. When you create a clean and comfortable environment, your facility will feel like a home away from home for both your residents and your staff.
3 out of 4 Norovirus outbreaks in the U.S. can be attributed to long-term care, and each outbreak can cost a facility up to $48,000.
Source: Wikswo, M.; Kambhampati, A.; Shioda, K.; Walsh, K.; Bowen, A.; Hall, A.. Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 2015, 64 (SS12), 1–16.
Achieve Cleanliness. Prevent Infection. Improve Profitability.
The math is simple: the better your facility’s reputation, the more referrals from private practice and neighboring hospitals you receive. But a good reputation means going beyond just looking and smelling clean. CloroxPro offers easy-to-implement healthcare products to help in your staff's mission to minimize preventable infections, limit readmissions and transfers, and experience earnings growth.
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Educational Courses
Infection Prevention in Long-Term Care: Focus on the Environment
In 2016, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS), rolled out a 3-year phase-in period for their revised regulations in long-term care settings. The revised regulations require more robust infection control programs. The phase in-period ended in November of 2019, with the expectation that facilities be in full-compliance. This webinar will provide a review of the revised regulations for infection control and why it is important. Participants will learn about: The epidemiologic important pathogens in the long-term setting, as well as emerging ones. The key steps needed to create an effective and successful environmental cleaning and disinfection program in the long-term care setting will be outlined, including risk assessment, needed policies and protocols, and staff education and competency. The properties of ideal disinfecting products. Several tools such as risk assessment, protocols and cleaning responsibility grids will be provided that the participant can use in their respective facilities.Learn More